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Sunday, February 21

Open Forum: Is the GOP Becoming the Gay Old Party?

The Republican party and the Conservative movement has not been known for their pro-gay stance. On the contrary they are known as touting "traditional family values" and promoting the concept of marriage as solely between one man and one woman. Many republicans also want to deny gays the right to serve their country, and be protected from hate crimes and employment discrimination. The Grand Old Party (GOP) has often used the issue of homosexuality as a wedge issue and a scare tactic to rile up their conservative Christian base.

Lately there has been some indication that many in the movement no longer want to be aligned with the anti-gay politics and bigotry associated with the right-wing. The younger generation of Republicans have grown up in a culture more tolerant of homosexuality, they have gay friends, have seen the subject brought up on TV and in movies and feel differently than their parents do on the issue. Take for example Meghan McCain daughter of failed Presidential candidate John McCain who is an ardent supporter of LGBT rights and marriage equality. Former Republican Governor Christine Whitman has told the GOP to remove same-sex marriage opposition from the party platform. Even lifelong Republican and Fox News contributor Margaret Hoover has joined the fight for marriage equality.

The people above are only a few examples of conservative individuals who have spoken out in favor of equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Many other young voices are urging for the party to stop divisive attempts at silencing gay people in favor of promoting a more libertarian point of view of tolerance and freedom for all.

Over the weekend the Conservative Political Action Conference(CPAC) met and while the views are far from gay friendly, even in this conservative bastion change appears to be at hand. As insignificant as it may seem, allowing the GOProud a gay conservative group to table and sponsor the event was a big and controversial deal.

Take a look at what happened when anti-gay bigot Ryan Sorba spoke poorly of CPAC for allowing GOProud to attend:

He was booed for criticizing CPAC for allowing GOProud to attend. The room full of conservatives stood in support of CPAC's decision.

Is there a wave of change coming in the conservative movement? Are these just a few voices or is this indicative of a much larger revolution within the party? Perhaps the conservative movement is realizing that the younger generation do not see homosexuality as a political issue and the political tide is turning.