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Thursday, December 31

Singer Jazon Mraz Resolves to Speak for Equality!

Singer and songwriter Jason Mraz has written a beautiful post on his blog speaking up for LGBT equality as his new years resolution.

On his blog the Freshness Factor Five Thousand he writes:
"As a straight man I really have nothing to gain by standing up for equal rights for Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual, and/or my Transgender friends. Except for the fact that I have many friends who are still subjected to hurtful comments by a society that hasn’t yet embraced fully the nature of… nature.

Supporting a limiting system of rules for specific people to follow is prejudice. It’s the Antithesis of Christ Consciousness and (like smoking) it’s Soooo last century.

Allowing love to freely flourish will only enhance the life experience - For All.

Imagine telling cyclists to stay off the road. “These roads are for cars only! Those who dare to pedal on the shoulder will most likely get hit! Drivers will not expect to see you. It will not be the drivers’ fault if you get hurt.”

Yet, by sharing the road, the same rules get to apply to all of us. And surprisingly, we all get somewhere.

No one has to sit at the back of the bus.

A Marriage is a powerful commitment by any two people who are committed to each other’s lives being great. The God that is present in ceremony is looking itself in the eye in the form of the two worthy participants. Their commitment is the divine expression “love loving itself.” Any interference from the outside world be like a bear coming out of the woods and mauling the two lovebirds in front of the entire wedding party, the family and invited guests. Interference is messy and downright rude.

Hosting closed minded thoughts or making lewd comments about the intimate affairs of someone else does not make life great. In fact, it clogs up the judicial system, diminishes entire communities, and turns the clock backwards to our ultimate realization that we are all One - living in harmony with the Earth, with the cosmos, and with great things unseen. Thinking that others are a ‘particular way’ rather than reinventing them as new everyday makes you separate and disconnected from the really easy, peaceful solution.

Life is too short. The age of interfering with someone’s natural rights (and natural born gifts) are over.

Love is too powerful to resist. I think the whole world would be better if we just got out of our own way. It would certainly be sexier.

I understand many people who stumble onto this blog are already dialed in and ready to transform the world. Much of my community is too. But there are some who still don’t care one way or the other about the ways of being in the world. Thereby, it’s up to us to share our positive outlook on our favorite issues.

To learn more about how you can be a part of the Epic Movement for Equal Rights. Visit The Human Rights Campaign at and support the True Colors Fund.

This Year I Resolve to Join the Conversation on Equality. I will Stand Up and be outspoken about Same Sex Marriage and Let Freedom Sing."
Be sure to thank Jason Mraz by leaving a comment on his blog, and joining him in the 'Conversation on Equality'

Word of the Gay: "Tragicula"

"Tragicula" is a term used within the gay community when someone has a poor taste in fashion, and personal upkeep.

Cheers Queers - Happy New Year!

May you all have a fun and safe time tonight wherever and however you choose to celerate the New Year. Let's move forward into 2010 more energized and ready to live, love, and thrive as openly queer people and allies.

What are your plans for New Year's and more importantly what are your queer resolutions for the the upcoming year?

Wednesday, December 30

Word of the Gay: "Theater Queen"

A "theater queen" is a gay man devoted to musical theater.

Web Spotlight: Kashish - Mumbai Queer Film Festival

The Kashish - Mumbai Queer Film Festival is the first ever film festival in the region for Indian and Desi queer films that celebrate sexual diversity. The four day festival is scheduled to be held April 22-25th 2010.

Upcoming January 2010 Phelps-A-Thon's

The Phelps-a-Thon is continuing on into the New Year, proceeding with it's protests and fundraising for LGBT equality to counter the Westboro Baptist Church's anti-gay hateful rhetoric. This January counter protests will be held at a highschool and college in New Hampshire, and at the Golden Globes in California.

Join the demonstration, and help the fundraiser for LGBT equality, for every minute the Phelps clan protests, they will be helping to promote the gay agenda through Phelps-A-Thon.

Tuesday, December 29

Word of the Gay: "Dykes on Spikes'"

"Dykes on Spikes" is a term to reference lesbian softball players.

The Top Five Straight Allies in Congress for 2009

Who are the leading advocates for LGBT rights inside the Beltway? Well, common sense would lead you to the three openly gay and lesbian politicians currently serving in the U.S. Congress –- Rep. Tammy Baldwin, Rep. Barney Frank, and Rep. Jared Polis. Great or legendary figures, but what happens when you get beyond these three folks?

5. Senator Tom Harkin – Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin did what a handful of Senators did this year –- publicly stated that he regretted his vote on the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Harkin joined Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen. Chris Dodd in denouncing their vote for DOMA. But Harkin had a sense of eloquence in his comments that made his thoughts seem particularly genuine. It also helps that they came right after Iowa’s Supreme Court ruled that the state’s constitution required the recognition of same-sex marriage in order to ensure equal rights for all of Iowa's residents. Talk about reinforcements. “We all grow as we get older, and we learn things and we become more sensitive to people and people’s lives,” Harkin said. “And the more I’ve looked at that, I’ve grown to think differently about how people — how we should live. And I guess I’m at the point that, you know — I’m to that point of live and let live.” Anyone else see visions of their own parents in that statement?

4. Rep. Earl Blumenauer – Count Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer among the legislators blasting the Defense of Marriage Act. Like Sen. Harkin above, Rep. Blumenauer also issued a blaring statement regretting his original vote for DOMA. (Note: Nothing is quite so blaring as one of Rep. Blumenauer’s bow ties.) But Blumenauer not only said he was regretful – he went so far as to say it was the worst vote he ever cast in his entire political career. And that covers more than 37 years (we’re going all the way back to the times of Richard Nixon). Blumenauer also said that he would lobby his fellow legislators in efforts to overturn DOMA. “I will work to make sure that my colleagues who once, for whatever reason, joined me in supporting [DOMA] take this opportunity to correct their record and eliminate an injustice,” said Blumenauer.

3. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand – Talk about crossing the ocean in support of LGBT rights. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand started this year as kind of a Blue Dog Democrat in the U.S. House, and is ending this year as one of the Senate’s biggest supporters for equal rights. Gillibrand is one of the lead voices in the U.S. Senate for repealing the military’s discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and in an interview with the Women’s Rights blog here at, went so far as to say that marriage equality could be the civil rights battle of today’s generation. She even tried to exert some pull with the New York State Senate, encouraging the body to vote for marriage equality legislation earlier this year (sadly, that vote failed). And to top it off? She’s also a supporter of a fully inclusive version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which ought to be a legislative goal for every LGBT rights activist in 2010.

2. Rep. Patrick Murphy – As the first Iraq War veteran to serve in the halls of Congress, Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Murphy certainly has the bonafides to talk about military issues. That’s why his voice on ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is so critical. But Rep. Murphy isn’t just a casual proponent of repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” He’s a downright leader on the issue, making it one of his legislative goals, and touring with the Human Rights Campaign’s “Voices of Honor” tour, calling attention to how eliminating gays and lesbians from the U.S. Armed Forces not only smacks in the face of equality and freedom – the very principles that our military stands for – but also threatens our national security. “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ clearly isn’t working for our military, and it hinders national security and military readiness at a time when America is fighting in two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Rep. Murphy said. “My time in Iraq taught me that our military needs and deserves the best and the brightest who are willing to serve -- and that means all Americans, regardless of their orientation.” Anybody have the resume to argue with Rep. Murphy on that? Didn’t think so.

1. (Tie) Rep. Joe Sestak - Another Pennsylvania Congressman, Rep. Joe Sestak has emerged as a fighter for LGBT equality. As Rep. Sestak wrote for earlier this year, one of the fights that keeps him going in politics is the battle to end the only form of institutionalized discrimination still legal in the U.S. – discrimination against LGBT people, as evident by policies like the Defense of Marriage Act and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” In fact, that’s one of the best things about Rep. Sestak – he draws the connection between both of those bad policies in ways that would make even the hardest heart melt. “How can we demand that the 65,000 of our troops who are estimated to be gay act dishonestly and conceal information from their comrades and commanders? No one who serves in defense of liberty should be forced to live a lie,” writes Rep. Sestak. “I cannot imagine denying equal rights to anyone I served with. How can anyone say, we fought and served together, we depended on one another, we risked our lives for this country, but back home you shouldn’t enjoy the rights that you defended?”

1. (Tie) Rep. Jerrold Nadler – Being the lead voice in the U.S. Congress on dumping the Defense of Marriage Act better be good enough to get you first place! Rep. Nadler, long one of the biggest allies the LGBT population has in Congress, continued his streak of homerun hitting for equal rights. This year it came in the form of introducing the Respect for Marriage Act. It’s a proposed piece of legislation that will dismantle DOMA, billed by many as the most discriminatory law passed by the U.S. in decades. Rep. Nadler’s reason for introducing the Respect for Marriage Act (ROMA, if you will!): he wants to send DOMA “into the history books where it belongs.”

Crossposted via Gay Rights @

Web Spotlight: Asexual Meetups

Asexual Meetups is a place to find groups, members and those interested in meeting with others who have little to no sexual desire.

Monday, December 28

Word of the Gay: "Bias Crime"

A "bias crime" is a crime perpetrated on the account of a persons sexual, gender, religious, ethnic or racial identity.

New Year's Resolution: LGBT Inclusivity on Dr. Phil Show!

People who have been reading this blog for some time know that I have been monitoring and demanding that the Dr. Phil show refrain from using homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic topics on their show as they have done several times in the past. I was also quick to praise them for their attempt to create positive and LGBT-affirming coverage.

Over the past several months I have continued to monitor their upcoming shows to make sure that topics such as those in the past are not scheduled. I am pleased to say that there seems to have been major improvement, although instead of negative LGBT coverage, there now is no LGBT coverage.

Make 2010 the year Dr. Phil tackles topics sensitive to the LGBT community in a fair, affirming, and positive way!

Sign the Twitter petition demanding positive coverage, and send the show a direct email.

Sunday, December 27

Word of the Gay: "Queen Bee"

The "queen bee" is a gay man who constantly feels the need to be the center of attention.

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.

Saturday, December 26

Word of the Gay: "Change Your Luck"

The phrase "change your luck" is used when someone tries something new and engages in a gay sex act for the first time.

Friday, December 25

Word of the Gay: "Amphigenic Invert"

An "amphigenic invert" is a term created by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud to indicate someone who is equally attracted to people of the same and opposite sex.

Conservative Political Action Conference Censors LGBT Group

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) an annual gathering of conservative activists will allow GOProud a newly formed conservative gay/lesbian group to co-sponsor the convention, but refuses to allow them the opportunity to speak. Controversy erupted after far right groups threatened to pull out and boycott the event, and so called "family value" organizations were outraged.

The organizers of the conference will gladly take the money from the gay group but maintains that opposition to same-sex marriage is a consensus among conservatives and that it is not subject to debate or discussion.

Demand that CPAC allows all conservative voices to shape the values of their philosophical base and party.

The American Conservative Union
1007 Cameron Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
CPAC Phone: (800) 7524391

Word of the Gay: "Pink Christmas"

"Pink Christmas" is a term used when elements of the Christmas holiday are given a queer twist, such as a pink tree, gay nativity scene, or changing the lyrics to certain carols, etc.

Tuesday, December 22

Word of the Gay: "Homoamorous"

"Homoamorous" is loving people of the same sex, it is a less sexualized version of homoerotic and can apply in a variety of situations.

Take Action: Ensure LGBT's Included in Immigration Reform Bill

The House of Representatives has introduced an immigration reform bill that does not include protections for same-sex couples. The Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) would establish criteria for "permanent partners" enabling bi-national couples to obtain immigration rights if one spouse has citizenship and the other does not.

Keep up the pressure on congress and the senate to push for broader and comprehensive immigration reform that protects same-sex couples and their families.

Monday, December 21

Word of the Gay: "Gaymarry"

"Gaymarry" has been a buzzword of 2009 meaning to marry someone of the same sex.

Anger Into Action Declaration

This declaration is about showing wide public support for the fundamental rights of LGBT people. The latest marriage amendments and adoption ban passed by our fellow citizens are built on lies and deception, and we can't stand for it.

But we also refuse to fight lies with lies, or hate with hate. We will not give into our anger, and we will not unfairly lay blame for Prop. 8 passing. Instead, we are committed to channeling our energies into bringing about more positive change.

Stand with us against discrimination and pledge to fight until full equality is won for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people everywhere. Once you sign, please send a message to all of your friends and family and help us grow our movement of individuals who are committed to equal rights and justice for all.

Sign the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's Declaration.

Sunday, December 20

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.

Friday, December 18

Open Forum: LGBT/Queer Personals List

Are you LGBTQIA or a straight ally but single and looking to mingle? Well here's your chance to meet someone else who also cares about queer culture and rights. This personals/dating post is open to all sexual orientations and gender identities and is non-location specific.

*Entries will only be accepted if they are in the order below and no personal information will be accepted.

Your Location: where in the world you are

Your Description: your physical and personality traits, gender identity, sexual orientation

Your Ideal Match
: what you are looking for in a partner(s)

: email, profile link, screen name

Who knows? Thousands of readers come here from all parts of the world. Maybe your match is one of them! Good luck.

BBC News Pseudo Apologizes for Homophobic Poll

12/18/09: From the Director of BBC World Service:

"The original headline on our website was, in hindsight, too stark. We apologise for any offence it caused. But it's important that this does not detract from what is a crucial debate for Africans and the international community.

The programme was a legitimate and responsible attempt to support a challenging discussion about proposed legislation that advocates the death penalty for those who undertake certain homosexual activities in Uganda - an important issue where the BBC can provide a platform for debate that otherwise would not exist across the continent and beyond"

The BBC does not understand that the nature of this poll is not only offensive, but provides a platform for homophobic and violent attitudes.

12/16/09: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the subject of controversy over their latest 'Have Your Say' section asking "should homosexuals should face execution?"

The site discusses how Uganda is debating the death penalty for homosexuals, and asks users to weigh in.

Naturally this has brought up many intensely homophobic and some violent commentary. This is not a 'debate' to be had, and since it incites hatred and violence against LGBT people, this is totally unacceptable. The BBC has a rule against users leaving homophobic comments, yet many remain on the forum.

Voice your concerns with the BBC complaint form.

Thursday, December 17

Organization Spotlight: Gay and Lesbian Association of Dentists and Doctors (GLADD)

The Gay and Lesbian Association of Dentists and Doctors (GLADD) is available for those in the United Kingdom looking for help/support/advice or to make social contacts with other LGBT dentists and doctors.

Tuesday, December 15

Washington D.C. Legalizes Gay Marriage!

The Washington D.C. city council has finalized a bill legalizing same-sex marriage by a vote of 11-2. The two councilmembers who opposed the measure were Marion Barry, and Yvette Alexander.

The bill now goes to Mayor Adrian Fenty who has promised to sign the bill into law. Following that congress has 30 days to veto the bill, but the Democratic majority is likely not to interfere with the districts ruling.

Washington D.C. joins Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Vermont in affirming their LGBT residents right to marriage.

Demand McDonald's Offer Protections Based on Gender Identity/Expression

The worlds largest fast food chain McDonald's has been under the spotlight after an Orlando manager refused to hire a seventeen year old transgender woman Zikkeria Bellamy because of her gender identity. The manager harassed the teen by leaving a voice-mail saying: "You will not get hired, we do not hire faggots" The manager of that location has since been fired, but the corporate policy still does not include protections on the basis of gender identity/expression.

McDonald's issued this press release regarding the incident:
"McDonald’s has a strict policy prohibiting any form of discrimination or harassment in hiring, termination, or any other aspect of employment in the organization. The restaurant requires all employees to comply with local, state and federal employment laws." (GLAAD)
Please urge McDonald's to alter their corporate policy regarding employment practice to include protections on the basis of gender identity/expression.

Also, be sure to sign our petition to McDonald's on Twitter.

Monday, December 14

Senator DeMint: "Gay President Would be Immoral"

Social conservative Republican South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint has made outrageous remarks about how he thinks the election of a gay president would be "immoral". He also restated his opposition to marriage equality both federally and locally.
“It would be bothersome to me just personally because I consider it immoral. Marriage is a religious institution. The federal government has no business redefining what it is DeMint told Hunt, adding that even state governments should not have the right to permit same-sex marriages. Governments should not be in the business of promoting a behavior that’s proven to be destructive to our society” (The Advocate).
This type of divisive and homophobic language is dangerous coming from a U.S. Senator. Demand he apologize for these outrageous remarks.

Senator DeMint can be contacted through his e-contact form, guestbook, and Twitter.

D.C. Marriage Equality Rally Tonight!

The Human Rights Campaign has scheduled a rally tonight in support of the expected final passage of the marriage equality bill tomorrow. The Mayor of the capital has promised to sign the legislation, and congress has 30 days to decide whether to veto the bill.

Even though a win looks very likely, it is critical to come out and show support for the measure.

Monday, December 14
7 pm
The Kennedy Recreation Center
1401 7th ST, NW Washington, D.C.

Sunday, December 13

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.

Saturday, December 12

Open Forum: Will the Gay Vote Be Taken Seriously?

The gay community has been angered over the fact that neither mainstream political party makes a sincere effort on LGBT legislation. Every election cycle talk of whether the Democrats take the gay vote for granted and whether gays will go out to the polls comes up for discussion but nothing ever happens.

Financially speaking the LGBT community holds a large portion of the donations received by the DNC. Many queer people are withholding donations until change is made, and some are saying that it appears this gets the Democrats moving on legislation. Some threaten they will switch parties or won't go out to vote, but ultimately the Democrats know this won't go far since the other major contender is worse off on LGBT issues and not voting at all is unlikely among a heavily political base.

Will the gay vote ever be taken seriously? Does it require more funding to be cut from gay donors, a shift to another party, or more people self identifying as queer?

Weekend Protests Directed at Anti-Marriage Equality NY Senators

Marriage Equality New York is organizing several protests against senators who voted against equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. The protests follow a recent vote by the New York State Senate where same-sex marriage failed by a 38-24 margin.

The protests are scheduled throughout the weekend. Activists are responding by supporting opposition (pro-equality) candidates for the upcoming 2010 election.

MENY Protests are against Senators Hiram Monserrate, Carl Kruger, George Onorato, and Thomas Morahan.

Friday, December 11

Stop Maryland Vehicle Admin's Gender Change Policy

Equality Maryland is asking people to take action to ensure that the proposed new rule at the Maryland Vehicle Administration regarding changing gender does not take place. The new rule would make it more costly, difficult, and lead to potential embarrassment and harassment for transgender Marylander's.

Click here to stop MVA drivers license changes.

Thursday, December 10

Bill O'Reilly Furious Over 'That Gay Guy' Adam Lambert Being on 'Fascinating List'

Fox News political commentator and host of the O'Reilly Factor is furious over the fact that Barbara Walters has chosen American Idol runner up Adam Lambert among her top most fascinating people of the year list. O'Reilly previously made headlines by Dividing American Idol's "Gay" and "Christian" Vote.

In the segment below, O'Reilly takes issue with several of Walter's choice of fascinating people, this list is subjective and he has every right to critique her. The problem arises over the fact that he refers to Lambert as "that gay guy" without giving any credence to his vocal abilities and insisting that he is capitalizing and misbehaving simply because he is gay, and that non-gay people would not engage in those behaviors.

Tell Bill O'Reilly to stop his "culture war" against LGBT Americans:

Love Takes Over - Campaign to Bring Queer Voice to Nationwide Newspapers

Love Takes Over is a new campaign to take place during the week of January 3rd to January 9th to write an opinion piece to your local newspaper in support of same-sex marriage. All across the nation, others will be doing the same to ensure a unified voice in support of equal rights.

Please also email your article to so they can post it up on their blog (

Tuesday, December 8

Word of the Gay: "Front Marriage"

A "front marriage" is a straight marriage of convenience between one or more spouses who are gay or lesbian for the purposes of adoption.

Straight Woman Offers Right to Marry on Ebay

In a clever bit of activism a straight unmarried woman named Jamie Frevele from New York is reacting to the NY Senate voting down marriage equality by offering her right to marry to the highest bidder. Proceeds will go to the Point Foundation which provides financial support, mentoring, leadership training and hope to meritorious students who are marginalized due to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

A snippet of her ebay auction listing:
"I'm an unmarried heterosexual woman, and since I probably won't be using my right to get married, I would like to give it away. I would like to sell it to the highest bidder and donate the proceeds to an organization that supports LGBT rights since the government designed to protect all of us is picking and choosing based on what they think is icky, weird, or unkown to them.

Bid now, and you can have my super wonderful privilege and legal ability to get married as many times as you want in a classy place like the one pictured. You don't have to know the person, you don't have to like them, you don't have to think through your decision to get married or anything - you can just do it! Because you can! Come on, it's cool to get married, and think of the pictures you'll have to show people of this person that they will definitely think is so wrong for you and probably is! But heavens to BETSY, do NOT marry someone of the same gender because that would be a mockery of the institution of marriage"
Check out her entire piece and possibly even join the bidders, oh and shipping is included!

The Affirmation Declaration

The Affirmation Declaration is a statement that expresses the convictions of Christians all over the world. It was written in response to the now famous Manhattan Declaration, to correct egregious errors contained in the document, errors that have been preached in the pulpits of many local churches for far too long.

With the growing notoriety and support for the Manhattan Declaration, our Affirmation Declaration reflects an urgent need to respond to the portion of the Manhattan Declaration dealing with issues related to sexual orientation—specifically, homosexuality and same-sex marriage. We strongly disagree with the contention that same-sex attractions and the oft-resulting romantic activities are immoral.

Monday, December 7

Word of the Gay: "Pink Tea"

"Pink tea" is a homosexual who comes out of the closet.

Urge NJ Senate Judiciary Committee to Approve Marriage

The 13 member New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee is voting today on whether to let the same-sex marriage bill go to a vote before the entire senate this Thursday.

Please contact the members of the committee below and urge them to vote in favor of marriage equality!

Sen. Paul Sarlo (Chair): (201) 804-8118
Sen. John Girgenti (Vice-Chair): (973) 427-1229
Sen. Bill Baroni: (609) 631-9988
Sen. Christopher Bateman: (908) 526-3600
Sen. Jennifer Beck: (732) 933-1591
Sen. Gerard Cardinale: (201) 567-2324
Sen. Nia Gill: (973) 509-0388
Sen. Joseph Kyrillos: (732) 671-3206
Sen. Raymond Lesnick: (908) 624-0880
Sen. Nicholas Scutari: (908) 587-0404
Sen. Bob Smith: (732) 752-0770
Sen. Brian Stack: (201) 861-5091
Sen. Loretta Weinberg: (201) 928-0100

H/T to Good as You for the senate contact numbers.

Sunday, December 6

Web Spotlight: BiFest UK

BiFest is a one-day event celebrating bisexuality, for bisexuals and bi-friendly people. Originating in London, it has now spread to several other United Kingdom locations and seeks to expand further.

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.

Saturday, December 5

Sign the New Jersey Marriage Equality Open Letter!

The open letter in support of marriage equality has made big news across New Jersey state, prompting the legislature to promise to take up the issue this week. Over 200 influential democrats and ordinary citizens have signed the petition demanding marriage equality.

Please join with Mayor Cory Booker, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee to sign this petition to push lawmakers to vote on and approve marriage equality in NJ.

Washington D.C. Marriage Rally Dec 14th

The Campaign for All DC Families and DC Clergy United will co-host a rally in support of marriage equality in Washington D.C. to advocate for the final passage of the marriage bill. The bill is scheduled to be voted on in mid December and is expected to pass by a wide margin.

Monday, December 14
7:00 pm
Kennedy Recreation Center
1401 7th Street N.W.

Open Forum: Sexualism Versus Homophobia

In recent years there has been a linguistic movement by some academics against using the term homophobia and replacing it with terms like sexualism or sexual prejudice which are considered broader and more appropriate with the growing list of sexual and gender self identifications.

For one the definition of homophobia is a fear of homosexuals or homosexual orientation, which is not true of all anti-gay people. The common line from so called "homophobes" is that "they have no issue with homosexuals, and even have homosexual friends" when defending their dislike or opposition to queer rights. The other dilemma is that many people associate homophobia as being exclusive to the discussion of gay and lesbian orientation, while leaving out bisexuals and transgender minorities.

Sexualism or sexual prejudice is the predisposition to thinking heterosexuality is the only norm, it is the concept of consciously embracing heteronormativity although is not synonymous with the term.

What do you make of the whole idea of bedding the term homophobia for something more inclusive such as sexualism or sexual prejudice? Does this term unfairly exclude transgender people whose discrimination against them is on the basis of gender or should gender issues have a separate word like transphobia or transsexual prejudice?

Friday, December 4

Rapper Eminem Resorts to Anti-Gay Lyrics

Rapper Eminem cleverly avoids using the word "faggots" in his new song "Elevator" when referring to Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken, replacing it with the words "fake it's":

"Eminem Sorry Lance, Mr. Lambert and Aiken ain't gonna make it
They get so mad, when I call them both fake it's
All these f@#king voices in my head I can't take it
Someone shut that f@#king baby up, 'for I shake it
You're standing adjacent to Jason's last slut, they're facing
Together makes 'em, a f@#king bad combination
I lashed at the doctor in my last operation
Shoved the weiner snitzel up his ass, hopped away some-
body please stop the patient, get the cops to mase him"

Phonetically, it sounds just like "faggots" and considering his anti-gay troubles in the past, there is no doubt in most peoples minds what the intention was, and that's to stir publicity and pr drama at the expense of the gay community.

These lyrics peretrate hatred, fear and violence against sexual minorities and cannot be tolerated!

Eminem can be contacted via Twitter and Myspace

Crossposted via Towleroad.

Thursday, December 3

New York Marriage Inequality Protest Tonight!

After marriage equality suffered a 24-38 loss in the NY state senate, advocates are now protesting the outcome and demanding full equality for all residents.

Tonight marks the second rally in response to the vote and is organized by Marriage Equality New York. NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn is also expected to be among the crowd. Signs and noise-makers are highly encouraged.

Thursday, December 3, 2009
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Union Square - North End (17th Street)
17th Street & Broadway
New York, NY

Wednesday, December 2

Anti-Gay NOM Considered for Chase Bank Charity

Chase Bank is running a contest called 'Community Giving' for users to select charities worthy of receiving a chunk of a 5 million dollar donation by the bank. Among the non-profits listed are the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage.

NOM being on the list is a direct violation of Chase's own non-discrimination policy:
"Chase Community Giving's own "clear and simple" rules state in Section 4 that any organization that "by itself or through an affiliated entity, discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, medical condition, citizenship, ancestry or marital status is not eligible" (Queerty).
The Chase list likely came from a standard non-profits list and was not edited to take out organizations that violate the non-discrimination policy.

Please tell Chase to review and remove the National Organization for Marriage at

You can head over to the Chase Community Giving page on Facebook and vote for LGBT friendly charities to receive funding.

Action Alert: Marriage Vote Scheduled for New York

The New York State Senate is scheduled to debate and vote on the issue of marriage equality today. The outcome is unpredictable at the moment, with some democrats and republicans opposed, in favor, or unsure of their vote. It is essential that you urge your senator to vote in favor of full equality for their LGBT constituents.

Below is a live feed of the NYS Senate:

The following is a list of key "swing" senators to contact courtesy of Queerty.


John Bonacic, R-Mt. Hope
Brian Foley, D-Suffolk
Ruth Hassel-Thompson, D-Bronx/Westchester
Owen Johnson, R-Suffolk
Andrew Lanza, R-Staten Island
Roy McDonald, R-Saratoga
Hiram Monserrate, D-Queens
John Sampson, D-Brooklyn
David Valesky, D-Oneida

Wouldn't Say

Joseph Addabbo, D-Queens
James Alesi, R-East Rochester
Kemp Hannon, R-Nassau
Vincent Leibell, R-Westchester
Thomas Morahan, R-Rockland

Take action by filling out this form by the New York Civil Liberties to contact your senators and senate leaders to affirm marriage fairness.

Tuesday, December 1

Ten Ways Homophobia & Transphobia Affect Straight People

1. Homophobia and transphobia force us to act "macho" if we are a man or "feminine" if we are a woman. This limits our individuality and self-expression.

2. Homophobia and transphobia put pressure on straight people to act aggressively and angrily towards LGBTQI people.

3. Homophobia and transphobia can make it harder to be close friends with someone of the same sex.

4. Homophobia and transphobia often strain family and community relationships.

5. Homophobia and transphobia can cause youth to become sexually active before they are ready in order to prove they are "normal." This can lead to an increase in unwanted pregnancies and STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

6. Homophobia and transphobia prevent vital information on sex and sexuality to be readily available in classrooms, medical offices, and other educational venues. Without this information, LGBTQI people are putting themselves at a greater risk for HIV and other STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

7. Homophobia and transphobia can be used to hurt a straight person if they "appear to be gay" and/or express her/his gender outside societal expectations.

8. Homophobia and transphobia make it hard for straight people and LGBTQ people to be friends.

9. Homophobia and transphobia, along with racism, sexism, classism, etc. make it hard to put an end to AIDS.

10. Homophobia and transphobia make it hard to appreciate true diversity and the unique traits that are not “mainstream.”

Crossposted via Q Resources.

Spare 3 Minutes for Marriage Equality in New Jersey?

Garden State Equality is urging Democrats to bring the long awaited marriage equality bill to the floor for a vote. It is critical that the bill be voted on passed now while Democrat Jon Corzine who promised to sign the bill finishes out his term. The incoming republican Governor Chris Christie is vehemently opposed to marriage rights.

If you can spend weekdays calling your legislator once a day anytime, anywhere from 9-5 pm to vote on marriage equality, please fill out this form!

Contact GSE for other ways to get involved at or call (973) GSE-LGBT

Monday, November 30

Queers United in Top 25 Gay Rights Blogs

It is flattering to see that Queers United has been listed as one of the top 25 most influential gay rights blog. It is also great that the site Online Paralegal Degree notes our effort to include all sexual and gender minorities and not just focus solely on gay and lesbian issues.

"Queers United stands as one of the few blogs which actively seeks out relating to intersexual and asexual issues in addition to the usual GLBT news. They promote the importance of activism and education as the best routes towards obtaining equality for the community, citing Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and other nonviolent civil rights leaders as their main influences. Content encompasses issues, developments, and movements from around the United States, and readers can handily pick what subjects they would like to learn more about from a tab at the top of the menu."

Thanks to Online Paralegal Degree for recognizing us and the other great blogs listed on there! Thank you to all readers for your continued support and e-activism, and please also visit the other great sites listed!

The Cleveland Show Features Transphobic Episode

The Cleveland Show an animated series spin off of the Family Guy which appears on Fox has created a disgustingly transphobic episode.

The character Auntie Mama a beloved but "outrageous" woman who is overtly sexual and has poor manners is discovered by Cleveland to have a penis. Cleveland immediately declares her a man and feels sick to his stomach over his discovery. Cleveland's father hits on Auntie Mama and has sex with her and Cleveland debates how to tell his dad that "Auntie Mama is really a man" There were many jokes over her gender identity, and her genitalia. Cleveland confronts Auntie Mama and her voice suddenly deepens and she says she pretends to be a woman so that his wife whose mother died can have a feminine influence in her life. Ultimately, both Cleveland and his dad vomit several times to show their overt disgust with finding out that Auntie Mama is trans.

The entire episode can be seen below:

This show is problematic on multiple levels, for one it questions the characters gender identity, it makes fun of gender, and it reinforces the misconception that transgender people are purposefully deceptive.

Contact Fox to let them know your thoughts:

The Cleveland Show on Twitter.

H/T to Bilerico Project.

Saturday, November 28

Shameless Self Promotion Sunday

Please feel free to share any links to queer or queer related topics of interest. You can post a blog entry you made, a website you found interesting. Anything goes as long as it is queer in nature.

Open Forum: How Do You Self-Identify?

I'm bringing this post back because it was so popular and I'd like to get more of an idea of where my readers are coming from and who they are.

It would be interesting to know how most people who participate here identify. Don't feel the need to classify but if you wish to opine...

Sexual Orientation: Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, asexual, questioning, pansexual, straight?

Gender Identity: Are you male female, intersex, m2f, f2m, androgyne, genderqueer, questioning?

Friday, November 27

The Soulforce Equality Ride 2010

Soulforce an organization dedicated to freedom for LGBT people from religious and political oppression through the practice of non-violent means is taking to the road again this year to send 25 LGBTQ youth to colleges and universities that do not allow openly homosexual students.

The Equality Ride is a nationwide bus trip that stops at anti-equality academic institutions and seeks to engage and dialogue on issues relating to sexuality, gender identity and affirming verses in scripture. The students engage in non-violent direct action, and even accept arrest when universities demand they leave their premises and they refuse to comply.

Please support the Equality Ride by making a much needed donation, to support the costs of the bus, food, accommodations, and bail needed for riders.

Thursday, November 26

A Thanksgiving Message to Pro-Equality Democrats

This Thanksgiving send a message of thanks to Democrats who have led the fight for LGBT equality in congress. The message of thanks through the Stonewall Democrats form goes to Representatives: Conyers, Frank, Murphy, Baldwin, Nadler, Sanchez, Honda, Stark, Christensen and Senators: Merkley, Leahy, and Whitehouse. They are the movers and shakers behind legislation such as the Matthew Shepard Act, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Military Readiness Act, the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, the Respect of Marriage Act, the Uniting American Families Act, the Safe Schools Improvement Act, the Reuniting Families Act, and the Every Child Deserves A Family Act.

Fill out the form to send them a Thanksgiving card of appreciation!