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Wednesday, March 31

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility

Today marks the second annual International Transgender Day of Visibility, a celebration of the transgender communities contributions and lives. This is a new holiday conceived by Rachel Crandall, the head of Transgender Michigan who rightly points out that so much of what we hear about the trans community is negative. The only other trans holiday on the calendar is November 20th the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) which honors those who perished at the hands of transphobia.

Unlike TDOR this holiday is about celebrating the living and the positive aspects of being transgender. Events will be happening around the country to celebrate this day and will likely and hopefully continue to grow in the years to come.

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility!

Tuesday, March 30

Word of the Gay: "Mantique"

"Mantique" is a term used in the gay community to describe an attractive gay man over the age of fifty.

Organization Spotlight: Equality Across America

Equality Across America exists to support grassroots organizing across the United States to achieve full equality for the LGBT community.

Urge Continued Funding of The LGBT Health and Human Services Network of New York

A network of over fifty nonprofit organizations serving over 800,000 LGBT New Yorkers is striving to get the bare minimum necessary from the state for funding purposes. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network of New York reduces health disparities and promotes access to quality care. The amount requested for this fiscal year is $2.048M which falls short of the amount of funding needed but serves to maintain basic and critical services.

New Yorker's please use the e-action form to contact your elected officials.

Monday, March 29

Word of the Gay: "Queen's Tank"

"Queens tank" is a section in many prisons where gays and transvestites are segregated.

National LGBT Health Awareness Week

This year the theme of LGBT Health Awareness Week is Closing the Gap. The LGBT community has, on average, worse health outcomes and less access to the care we need than the straight community. We cannot afford to ignore the gap anymore. We need to educate ourselves and our health care providers about our unique health needs as well as our health risks. We need to commit to closing the gap, because everyone deserves good health!

To help accomplish this, we have provided many resources. You can learn more about specific health issues relevant to the LGBT community, download and print out fact sheets, find events to attend and see ideas of simple ways individuals and organizations can get involved.

More information on how to get involved and download materials here.

H/T to Feministing.

Web Spotlight: Drinking for a Change

Drinking for a Change hosts monthly events where various NYC bars donate one dollar for each drink consumed to various LGBTQ charities.