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Tuesday, March 16

Virtual Lobby Day for LGBTQ Rights in Florida

Equality Florida is encouraging netroots activists to urge legislators to sponsor three LGBT equality bills. The bills would ensure fairness in the areas of employment, adoption, and spousal benefits.
  • The Florida Competitive Workforce Act (HB 391 by Skidmore and SB 798 by Gelber) This bill would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the state law that already protects people in employment and housing based on race, religion, sex, age and disability.
  • Repeal of Florida's Adoption Ban (HB 3 by Brandenburg and SB 102 by Rich) Equality Florida continues to work with legislators to repeal the ban. With approximately 3,000 children waiting for adoption in Florida's foster care system, the state desperately needs to open up the pool to include qualified gay and lesbian parents.
  • Domestic Partnerships (HB 477 by Steinberg SB 232 by Sobel) This bill would create a statewide domestic partnership policy in Florida. Dozens of cities and companies in Florida already offer some form of domestic partnership benefits, but right now there are no statewide protections for our families.
Take action by filling out this form to contact your representative and state senator.